University of Rochester
Eastman School of Music, Kodak Theater
Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre has undergone a stunning transformation, both in the patron experience and in its acoustic qualities.
While retaining its grand Italian Renaissance style, Kodak Hall features a new sound system as well as critical patron amenities. The addition of orchestra- and mezzanine-level boxes and a new back wall on the orchestra level returns more sound energy to support both the performers and the patrons seated in the orchestra level.
FDA was instrumental in reconfiguring the seating to address comfort and sightline issues in the room. Approximately 800 seats have been removed on the orchestra level and the walls carefully reshaped for concert-goers to feel more enveloped in the sound. The removal of back rows of seats not only creates a greater intimacy on the orchestra level, but also allows for the expansion of the hall’s inner lobby and the creation of five lounges, providing more comfortable gathering spaces. Kodak Hall also has new carpeting, a new heating and air conditioning system, and enhanced house and exit lighting.
- Client: University of Rochester
- Architect: Chaintreuil Jensen Stark
- Completion Year: 2010
- Location: Rochester, New York
- Acoustician: Akustiks
- Capacity: 2,250 seats