Celebrity Millennium, Celebrity Theater

Fisher Dachs Associates, along with Wilson Butler Lodge (now WBA) designed the Theaters,for Celebrity’s new Millennium Class ships – Millennium, the class’ flagship, and its sister ship Infinity.

The 900-seat Celebrity Theaters represent a distinct departure from the show lounges on the line’s previous ships. An additional deck, making a total of five, was added to create a full balcony, and the stage is furnished with a full fly-loft behind a traditional proscenium.

The design is based on a contemporary rendition of a classical circular geometry. The room’s refined detailing is offset by a rich palette of leathers, lacquered wood veneers and fabric valences and curtains. The overall effect is at once timeless and thoroughly modern. As a result of these efforts, Celebrity now provides a broad range of entertainment programs in a groundbreaking, state-of-the-art facility.

  • Client: Celebrity Cruise Lines
  • Architect: Wilson Butler Architects
  • Completion Year: 2000
  • Location: Miami, Florida
  • Capacity: 900 seats


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