FDA News

We are always working on new projects and trying to support the field in a variety of ways, and some of our completed work finds itself in the news. These are the latest stories.

Placemakers 9: Designing Cultural Spaces in a Post-Pandemic World

On May 19, 2021 CMLC hosted the ninth edition of our Placemakers series, Designing Cultural Spaces in a Post-Pandemic World. Launched in 2015 as a community education and engagement initiative, this event features the Theatre Consultants from the Arts Commons Transformation project and President & CEO of CMLC, Kate Thompson. To learn more about this project: https://www.calgarymlc.ca/arts-commons-transformation

Casting Light Podcast – Jeff McCrum: How to make a venue from scratch

Originally posted on Casting Light – The Entertainment Lighting Podcast

How does a new venue go from concept to completion? Who asks the key questions and makes the decisions that the venue’s utility hinges on? When a lighting position has no realistic way to access it or the houselights don’t dim, what happened during that venue’s design process? Jeff McCrum of Fisher Dachs Associates is here to answer those questions, and many more.

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Arts Commons Transformation (ACT)

This morning, Calgary Municipal Land Corporation’s President & CEO Kate Thompson, along with Arts Commons’ President & CEO Alex Sarian announced the selection of the first two members of the Arts Commons Transformation (ACT) project team!

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[Video] Bass Hall Virtual Backstage Tour

Ever wondered what’s above the dome? How exactly do we lower the orchestra pit and where do the front chairs go? And where exactly do those spotlights come from? Join Technical Director Charles McCormick as he walks us through some of the lesser seen parts of Bass Hall.

CI TO EYE Podcast With Joshua Dachs

Picture: Joshua Dachs on the CI To Eye Podcast
Picture: Joshua Dachs on the CI To Eye Podcast

In this episode, Joshua and Erik lift the curtain on the mysteries of theater design. They discuss how seat layout impacts the way comedy is received, why some roadhouses have “absurd capacities,” and why Broadway theaters are so uncomfortable.

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Coronavirus Resources

As you’re aware, there’s a lot of discussion and emotion swirling around the spread of the Coronavirus. We’re relying on information provided by the CDC, the WHO, the U.S. State Department, and state and local health departments to keep informed. We’d like to share the resources we’ve found helpful, as well as industry-related news. We’ll update this list on an ongoing basis.Read More

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