Coronavirus Resources
As you’re aware, there’s a lot of discussion and emotion swirling around the spread of the Coronavirus. We’re relying on information provided by the CDC, the WHO, the U.S. State Department, and state and local health departments to keep informed. We’d like to share the resources we’ve found helpful, as well as industry-related news. We’ll update this list on an ongoing basis.
Please remember to:
- Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer regularly.
- Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes.
- Cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm, not into the air.
- Don’t share food, utensils, or beverage containers.
- Avoid those who are ill and stay home from work if you are ill, if possible.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as smartphones and doorhandles with rubbing alcohol wipes and/or antibacterial bleach wipes.
Industry Resources
- ArtsReady: Preparing for Potential Impact of the Coronavirus
- Performing Arts Readiness: Current Emergencies
- TCG webinar recording: Coronavirus Preparedness for Theatres
- TCG: Preparing for the Impact of the Coronavirus
- IAVM webinar recording: Venue Industry Update on the Coronavirus
- Canadian Arts Presenting Association: Coronavirus Preparedness for the Live Performance Sector
- GG Arts Law: The Response of the Performing Arts to the World Premiere of the Coronavirus
National & International Resources
- CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- COVID-19 Maps & Visuals
- WHO: Coronavirus
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control: Coronavirus
Additional Resources & Information
- The Verge: How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer – Washing Your Hands Is How You Protect Yourself, But This Is Second Best
- American Chemistry Council: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Fighting Products
- NPR: A Guide – How to Prepare Your Home for Coronavirus
- Events Industry Council webinar recording: Industry discussion on novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
- Events Industry Council: About COVID-19 (coronavirus)
- AAM: Information for the Museum Field on the COVID-19/Coronavirus
- AAM: Lessons from History – Museums and Pandemics
- Shen Yun Is Not from China, Shows in No Way Affected By Coronavirus
- Wired: Is It OK to Make Coronavirus Memes and Jokes?